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Sugar Rush!

For as long as we've wanted to share our journey, we've also known it will take a village to get us across the finish line. The process for growing our family is an expensive one and we are doing a lot on our own to make it work, but we know we will come up short. The speed that things have moved recently 🙌 has really put pressure on us financially as so we wanted to start this fundraiser right away.

To put things in perspective a bit, screening our gestational carrier is going to be nearly $5,000, just to see if she will be cleared to carry our little one. The embryo match process will come in around $8,000. This is all before we get to FET (frozen embryo transfer) and gestational carrier prep, which could be upwards of $10,000, and we are hoping we only have to do that process once! (AND all this comes before any actual medical cost for the actual pregnancy!)

All this to say, having a baby when neither partner has a uterus is pretty darn expensive! Now, we knew that this road was going to be an expensive one. And when comparing costs, this is all around the same amount we might have faced going through the adoption path as well.

Asking for help, especially money, is HARD! and AWKWARD! and we feel weird about it!

THAT is why we decided to come up with some fundraising ideas of our own to help it feel less weird (and gave Sean the opportunity to brand a bunch of stuff with a new, hilarious, punny hashtag). Who knew Sutton could be such a useful last name!

Let's Make Sutton Sweet

The very first fundraising idea when we came up with this blog was the idea of a Make Sale. With COVID running rampant, we've been spending a lot of time in our homes and Sean has been dabbling in baking throughout the year. Yet making hundreds of cookies to try and make a couple bucks was not exactly feasible despite having two ovens. Hence: Make Sale.

We have put together five recipes for cookies in a jar! We did most of the heavy lifting, you've just got to throw some wet ingredients in and make the magic happen. We even engineered several recipes to be Ben-friendly, which means you do not have to be known for your kitchen skills to be successful.

So what's on the menu?

Celebration Cookies

A sweet, milky sugar cookie with sprinkles baked right in (and garnished with them too!)

Red Velvet Cookies

Decadent, soft chocolate red velvet cookies with milk chocolate chips

Lemonade Delights

The perfect summer cookie to enjoy, bursting with lemon flavor and white chocolate chips

Matcha Green Tea Cookies

A delicately-flavored treat with a hint of matcha and white chocolate chips

Oatmeal Blueberry Brown Sugar Cookies

Caramelized brown sugar and oats envelop sweet blueberries, resulting in this chewy confection

We are also offering a limited-edition PRIDE Set, which includes one of each jar. We chose these flavors (Rainbow sprinkles, RED velvet, LEMONade, GREEN matcha, BLUEberry) and recipes so we could embrace the Pride season and the collective family we all get to be a part of. 🌈Happy Pride!

Where to Order

Easy. Head over to our Order Form and fill it out! There you'll be able to select what you want and where you want to pick em up! We are arranging pick up in several locations throughout June and July. If the dates we've provided don't work for you, please reach out. We would love to coordinate another way to get you the goods.

It's just that easy! You get cookies, we get a baby. It's a win-win.

In all seriousness, we truly appreciate you taking the time to read this and keeping our family in your thoughts and prayers as we navigate the craziness of this race.



Hi, thanks for stopping by!

Here we will be sharing about our journey together toward dad-hood. It takes a village to raise a child, and a even larger village for an LGBT couple to get one. Please consider donating to help us reach our dream.

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